There are many people who don't like to go out anymore. I like to spend time lying in my dark room or listening to loud music on my headphones.
But how do you know that you are playing 12 hours of your brain? This article explains 11 brain-damaging habits and how to overcome them.
Most of the information given here is collected from various research reports including Harvard Medical School, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
1. insufficient sleep
According to America's Premier Neurology and Wellness Center, the biggest damage to our brain is due to insufficient sleep.
For adults, adequate sleep means 7 to 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours. In this case, uninterrupted sleep at night is most effective.
In addition to resting, the brain cleans out toxins and builds new cells during sleep. But if you sleep less than 7 hours, new cells are not formed.
As a result, you can't remember anything, have trouble concentrating, become irritable, have trouble making decisions. Lack of sleep also increases the risk of dementia Alzheimer's.
If you want to protect your brain, there is only one solution - get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Eight hours is better.
That's why you can go to bed at least an hour before bedtime, do not use any device during this time.
And to create a sleeping environment, clean the bedroom beforehand, reduce the light in the room, make your bed, clothes, room temperature everything comfortable.
Another thing - never sleep with your head covered. Because covering your head accumulates oxygen as well as carbon dioxide gas that comes out with breathing around your head.
Inhalation of this gas mixture causes oxygen deficiency in the brain
2. Skipping breakfast
After not eating all night, the energy to work during the day comes from breakfast. But many of us rush in the morning and skip the important thing like breakfast.
What happens is that the blood sugar level decreases, which affects the brain.
Day after day of not eating breakfast leads to brain damage, cells lose function.
It becomes difficult to do normal activities due to lack of nutrients.
3. Not drinking enough water
75% of our brain is water. So keeping the brain hydrated is very important for it to function at its best.
Lack of water causes brain tissue to shrink and cells to lose function. It can reduce the ability to think logically or make decisions.
So an adult should drink at least two liters of water a day to keep the brain healthy.
However, water intake may increase based on weight, health, age, lifestyle and weather.
4. Excessive stress and lying down
Prolonged stress causes brain cells to die and the frontal cortex at the front of the brain to shrink. It affects our memory and thinking power.
According to researchers, those who are very particular about work, do not trust others to help, and those who cannot say 'no' suffer the most stress.
So you should avoid taking extra pressure in any way.
There are many who work hard on their brain even when they are sick.
But it should be remembered that when the body is sick, the brain is busy with disease prevention, so give the brain a rest without putting extra stress during this time. take a vacation Otherwise, it will have long-term adverse effects on the brain.
Excessive stress is bad as is sitting for long periods of time.
Many people have jobs where they have to sit all day. When the holiday comes, he spends time lying down. Not doing enough movement, movement or manual labor.
It increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Which can lead to dementia.
So exercise regularly to keep the brain healthy, get up from the chair every half hour and move around, you can set a timer for this. Try to walk for half an hour at least three days a week.
5. Google search
You will notice that many of our previous generations did small calculations without calculators. Their phone numbers are memorized. Their general knowledge is also rich due to reading a lot of books.
These habits of theirs are like brain exercises that keep their thinking and memory strong for a long time.
But in this age we don't need to remember so much. Due to this over-reliance on technology, our brain's own capacity has diminished. Memory and thinking power is weakened.
Researchers suggest trying to remember everything without Google search to sharpen the brain.
You can also play various brain activity games such as word jumble, puzzle matching, sudoku etc.
6. Using headphones, listening to loud music
The headphones or AirPods you're using can damage your hearing in less than 30 minutes.
As well as listening to loud music or being in loud noise causes serious hearing loss.
And the fear is that once hearing is damaged, it cannot be repaired. And if the hearing is reduced, its direct effect goes to the brain.
According to US researchers, people with hearing loss have damaged brain tissue that increases their risk of developing Alzheimer's. As a result, it becomes difficult to study and concentrate.
So think twice before using headphones or listening to your favorite song at high volume. If you must listen, do not increase the volume above 60 percent. Take an hour break, without using headphones continuously.
Another thing is that many people shake their head loudly or head frog after listening to music. The British Medical Journal says it causes brain cell death and severe damage.
7. Being alone, not being social
Talking to people, chatting, in short socializing is very important for your brain health. Spending too much time alone can have just as bad an effect on your brain as not getting enough sleep. Socializing stimulates our brains in a way that being alone does not. Rather, loneliness increases the risk of depression, anxiety, and even dementia and Alzheimer's disease. So if you want to keep your brain healthy then spend time with some close friends and family regularly. But yes they must be positive minded people.
8. Negative thoughts and people
If you have a habit of constantly thinking negative thoughts: nothing will happen to you, the state of the world is very bad, the future is bleak, you are unlucky, the harmful effects of negative thoughts enter the brain. Because negative thinking causes stress, depression and anxiety on the one hand. Likewise, large amounts of amyloid and tau accumulate in the brain. Which is a major cause of dementia and Alzheimer's. Therefore, try to stop negative thoughts immediately. If you do this repeatedly, it will become a habit. If you can't do it alone, take the help of a psychiatrist. Also avoiding negative company is very important. Try to prevent yourself from watching too much negative news.
9. Spending time in the dark
A US study found that people spend more time in the dark. Or stay for a long time in an enclosed place where there is not much light and air movement, such an environment creates great pressure on the brain. Because exposure to sunlight is very important for our brain. Otherwise, there may be problems like depression. You should go to the sun every day to keep your brain healthy. Go outside for that. If you are at home, open the doors and windows.
10. eating habits
The habit of overeating, even if it is a healthy food, damages the brain. Studies have shown that overeating causes cholesterol to build up in the arteries of the brain and reduce blood flow. It causes loss of memory and thinking which can lead to dementia and Alzheimer's. Eating fried foods, sugary foods, soft drinks, etc. puts the brain at the same risk. That's why moderate and proper diet is very important. Many people use different apps to keep track of daily calories. But the best way is to make your own diet according to the advice of a nutritionist and follow it. Many people think of a diet as cutting out fat. But remember that 60 percent of the brain is fat. So all kinds of food should be eaten but in moderation.
Another thing we all know is that drinking and smoking are harmful to health. But the worst effect is on the brain. It shrinks the nerves of the brain and damages the cells. As a result, our brain's hippocampus, where memories are stored, cannot develop.
These are the main causes of Alzheimer's and dementia. These effects can lead to brain hypoxia.
11. Extra screen time
Too much screen time has a huge impact on brain size and development. More damage occurs in the frontal cortex, which varies from adolescence to age 25. Research has shown that children who spend more than seven hours a day in front of a screen have a thinner cerebral cortex. Because prolonged exposure to the electromagnetic field of the mobile phone can cause headaches, confusion, and damage such as brain tumors. For this reason, children's screen time should be reduced completely. Do not sleep with the phone close to the body. Keep the phone in the bag instead of in the pocket. If you want to talk for a long time, you can talk through the speaker without putting the phone to your ear. Texting is safer than talking.
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